
Brokerage Services

Kali Bucci

Client Services


Kali joined KBC to help support the Philadelphia team with creative project management and overall operations. Kali’s strong work ethic, pride in her job and desire to put her knowledge into practice make her an invaluable asset to the team. Kali’s skillset and experience have prepared her well for her past and present roles. Prior to joining KBC, Kali spent time at SEI as an Operations Analyst where she oversaw client portfolios and fund structures, provided exceptional client service and managed the documentation of processes and procedures for client needs. She also contributed to the organization’s companywide magazine by brainstorming and developing creative content for it. Kali received her bachelor’s degree from the Bellisario School of Communications at Pennsylvania State University where she studied Media Studies in society and culture with a focus on digital marketing media and graphic design. Outside of work, you will likely find her spending time with her family, playing with her family’s five dogs or traveling. Her favorite part of traveling is exploring different cultures and, of course, trying authentic, delicious food.

Kali Bucci Headshot
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